Thursday 13 December 2007

One Woman and Her Horse 13/11/2007

A well looked after horse has recently moved in with its owner in Slough!

Junior is being kept in Amy Gilbert’s back garden due to her not being able to afford his place at the stables.

Amy, who has qualified for the national championships in the past at Windsor horse show, is over the moon about the new addition to her household.

‘Junior is the first thing I think about in the morning and sometimes I just can’t wait to see him’.
It would cost Amy £500 - £600 a month to keep the horse if he did not live at home but she maintains that having an equine friend is an amazing experience, as you create a quick bond with them, and they are always there.

‘Junior is quite cheeky and he needs careful handling at times – he weighs 3 quarters of a tonne and he knows it!’ says Amy, although she could not imagine life without him.

1 comment:

Fiona Madden said...

One Woman and Her Horse - Reflective Report.

We were given the task of producing a local animal story in a week.

At first I went to the local veterinary clinic and nosed around the notice boards to see if anything jumped out at me, but unfortunately it did not.

I then thought that since I live so close to Windsor stables, it would be a good idea for me to find out if there were any shows or charity events coming up that I could acquire a story from.

After that thought it all seemed to click into place, as I remembered that a girl I had worked with previously actually owned a horse at the stables and was a keen rider.

I obtained contact with her, and at first she was doubtful that she had anything of interest to report on except a small competition coming up. I emailed her a list of questions and when I got her answers back, I realised that there was a much bigger story to be had i.e. her horse living in her back garden.

It was such a brilliant story that it just flowed from there. I felt that as it was local news, it would be nice if I targetted the angle of how she and her horse were literally best friends.

I found it quite a pleasant and easy experience to write this story because I already knew Amy, and therefore I did not have a lot of pressure in communicating with her, and obtaining a picture was not a hard job, as she sent me a few to choose from!

I also found the content quite quaint and humorous and so I really enjoyed the light-heartedness of it.