Thursday 13 December 2007

Missing Man 04/10/2007

Langley resident, Darren Cocoran, is missing. He was last seen this morning heading to work on his bicycle. He is 28, white, 6ft, blonde, well built and was wearing a royal blue LPS logo t-shirt, blue jeans and a fluorescent jacket. Sergeant Matt Gow, Slough police, said his family “urge him to get in touch as soon as possible”.

If you have any information, please call the police on 0845 8 505 505 or for anonymity, Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

1 comment:

Fiona Madden said...

I wanted to write a relatively short and punchy article and I realised the best way would be to find one looking for a lost animal or suchlike, as I would just have to give a short, punchy description.

However when I was looking through local press releases, I came across this article on a missing man in my area.

The press release was very short and the bulk of it was just his description. So when it came to putting it into an article I found that I was unhappy with what I was producing because there seemed nothing to it.

I realised that there was nothing more that I could do with the information though, as it was an appeal for a missing man to local people. I therefore made sure that I had put everything that was factually relevant in.

The policeman residing over the case had commented on the situation and I felt it was necessary to put that in as a direct plea to the missing man himself.

A few days after I wrote the article, I checked the website to see if there was a big follow-up story that I could take on. There was an extremely small press release regarding the man having been found and very little information so I decided not to take on the follow – up piece.